How to do Sales Right

Gartner recently released study data that — I am willing to bet — sales teams from coast to coast will ignore. But you, marketers and business leaders should not.

The report stated:

  • 43% of buyers prefer a rep-free buying experience

  • Over half of millennials don’t want to engage reps vs. a quarter of baby boomers

  • Only 17% of the buyer's time is spent talking to reps; the rest is on independent learning

Why does this matter and what should you do about this information?

It means you need to be smart about the sales step in the buyer’s journey.

At least a handful of times each week I receive a cold LinkedIn message saying there is a product I need to get the results I am looking for. No “hello” and certainly no relationship building.

Not every moment is a sales opportunity. Most of the time, it is an education opportunity which then becomes a demand generation opportunity. Then, and only then, is it sales.


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